Category Archives: Steroids Blog

8 Best Legal Steroids For Bodybuilding And Muscle Growth


Definition of steroids: Steroids are synthetic forms of chemicals which are similar in functioning as the natural hormones present in the body. These steroids are man made forms and serve a number of purposes. They are given by the general care physician when a person suffers from low testosterone levels or any other type of […]

Best Steroids For Bulking In 2022


Overview Of Steroids: Steroids are basically synthetic or human made forms of hormones or chemicals which resemble or mimic the natural hormone found in the human body. Such type of synthetic hormones are effective in decreasing the inflammation or help to build muscles or grow muscle mass and give strength to the individual. The steroids […]

What Are Some Alternatives To Clomid For Men?


Review of Clomid: People suffering from reduced levels of testosterone or medical conditions like hypogonadism and infertility use different types of medicines or steroids to bring testosterone at normalized levels. For this purpose they tend to buy Clomid apart from other medications as well. This is a type of drug which is not only used […]

Is Oral Winstrol More Suppressive or Injectable?


When administered in the same dosage, injectable Winstrol is just as hepatotoxic as oral Winstrol. Some argue that injection is “stronger” than oral, however there is no data to support this claim. That is why some people believe injection is a more powerful form with the same level of hepatotoxicity. But, as Monstrous pointed out, […]

What Are The Best Steroids For Beginners?


Many newbie bodybuilders have inquired about the best steroids. Congratulations if you’ve always wanted to do bodybuilding. However, you should be aware that, contrary to what you may have seen and learnt from your favorite social media celebrities, bodybuilding is far from straightforward.  Furthermore, if you wish to take any type of Anabolic steroids obtained […]

Most Popular Steroids Available For Sale in The UK


Steroids are classified as a Class C controlled substance in the United Kingdom, which means that possessing them is not illegal, but manufacturing, supplying, or exporting them without a license is, as is purchasing them online and having them shipped to the UK. Professional athletes and body builders are no longer the only ones who […]

Anavar vs Anadrol


Anavar Overview: Anavar is an oral form of anabolic and androgenic steroid which is sold as Oxandrolone as well. This steroid is used in bodybuilding and is also prescribed by the doctors to treat different medical conditions. It is also available as Oxandrin. This steroid in its early days was used by people who were […]

What Does Dianabol Do To Your Body?


What is Dianabol? Dianabol falls under the category of androgen and anabolic steroid or AAS. Dianabol is a synthetic or man made version of testosterone which is responsible for the development of male characteristics and is also helpful in building muscles. Dianabol is famous in the field of bodybuilding and is referred as DBol. It […]

Is Tri Test Stacked With Anavar And Arimidex A Good Idea?


Stacks are the different combos of steroids which many professional bodybuilders use to put their body on stack cycles. For the topic we are looking into 3 different steroids which are Test E, anavar and arimidex. Now when you combine different steroids into one such stack, it is imperative to know each steroid’s characteristic and […]

How Long Does It Take For Clomid To Increase Testosterone?


What is Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) Clomid, which is also called clomiphene citrate, is a pharma drug which is very common among female population to cure infertility issues. It is the standard medication endorsed by OB-GYNs to cure reproductive or infertility problems in the women. This drug does not belong to the class of steroids and […]