Clomid for Sale: Running successful post-cycle therapy with Clomid.

Steroid usage comes with benefits but also increases the risk of negative effects due to the anabolic nature of steroids. After completing a steroid cycle, it is important to follow a PCT cycle to reduce the side effects. When looking for a PCT option, people buy clomid online, as it is one of the most demanded PCT options to experience health benefits.

Introduction to Clomid What is clomiphene citrate?

Clomid, also known by its medical name clomiphene citrate, belongs to the class of drugs known as SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulators). Clomid was initially introduced to treat women with fertility problems and men with hypogonadism. The reason for its popularity is its ability to mitigate estrogenic side effects and combat the suppression of testosterone production caused by using steroids.

Clomid use as a PCT:

By consuming steroids containing synthetic testosterone, the body is flooded with testosterone, which is higher than the body’s naturally produced testosterone. With the increase in testosterone caused by steroids, the body gets into a state of shock, which suppresses the production of testosterone after the steroid cycle. This suppression of testosterone is the major reason people search for clomid PCT for sale, as it helps to bring their body’s hormonal function back to normal. Without consuming clomid or any other PCT SERM, the body might not be able to bring hormonal production back to normal. The major symptoms of low testosterone are:

  • Muscle loss.
  • Increase in body fat.
  • Reduction in libido.
  • Mood Issues.
  • Low energy level.
  • Poor mental health.

When to begin with PCT:

The first dosage of clomid after the steroid cycle is dependent on the steroid used during the cycle and its active life in the body. For steroids with a shorter active life, PCT can be started within a couple of days of finishing the steroid cycle. For longer-active and larger-ester steroids, it is recommended to wait for two to three weeks before starting a PCT cycle, as the steroid effects are active in the body. The recovery process for PCT can take weeks or months to return to normal levels, depending on the strength of the steroid used.

Safe and recommended doses of Clomid:

Safe and recommended doses of Clomid

When choosing a safe dose, it is important to choose a dose based on the reason for use. Below are some general recommendations mentioned to give you an idea about using Clomid for different purposes:

  • Using Clomid During the Steroid Cycle:

Clomid can be consumed during the steroid cycle to protect the body from estrogenic side effects. For use during the steroid cycle, a low dose of 25mg per day is considered sufficient to eliminate the side effects. Some users might increase the dose up to 50mg based on their experience and medical conditions.

  • Female dosage for fertility issues:

Clomid was initially introduced to treat fertility issues in women, and for that purpose, it is recommended to consume 50mg per day with an occasional dose of 100mg. For females using steroids, it is not necessary to add clomid, as estrogenic side effects and testosterone suppression are not a problem for female users.

  • Safe PCT dosage:

Using clomid to increase endogenous testosterone secretion and PCT purposes, a range of 50mg to 100 mg of daily dose is recommended. Based on the steroid consumed during the cycle, the exact length of PCT is decided. A normal and reliable PCT cycle ranges from four to eight weeks, with the dose being adjusted between 50 and 100 mg.

Side effects of misusing Clomid:

side effects of misusing clomid

Clomid is considered one of the safest PCT options for men, as it can help them achieve hormonal balance without any health problems. The side effects of clomid are more related to its usage as a fertility medicine in women. Females who consume more than the recommended dose have a higher risk of developing thyroid and skin cancer. Some of the common side effects that people experience from misusing clomid are:

  • Anxiety, depression, and irritability.
  • Changes in mood.
  • Changes in appetite.
  • Hot flashed.
  • Vision loss.
  • Hair loss.
  • Skin problems with acne.

How to maximize clomid results:

With responsible usage as per the recommendations, considering the below-mentioned factors can help to maximize results:

  • Calculated diet with healthy food sources:

To maximize the results of Clomid, the very first basic requirement is to follow a healthy diet plan. Eating foods that are full of nutritional value can help the body restore testosterone production. It is also suggested to consume more than maintenance calories during the PCT to avoid muscle loss.

  • Giving importance to recovery and sleep:

As per the survey and online reports, some people might face sleeping issues during the PCT cycle caused by withdrawal from steroids. To ensure maximum results, it is advised to ensure proper daily rest and a good sleep of 8 to 10 hours to ensure that the body is not overworked and gets enough time to recover.

  • Consistent and progressive workout routines:

The withdrawal from steroids causes some people to enter a phase where they feel a lack of energy, resulting in a loss of muscle mass and weakness. To avoid weakness, it is suggested to follow a consistent workout routine with dedication. To allow the body to recover, the volume of workouts should be reduced in the initial days, and gradual progressive overload should be followed to allow the body to adjust.

  • Medical consultation and professional support from a healthcare provider:

To maximize the speed of PCT, adding essential vitamins and required minerals can contribute to recovery. It is advised to discuss this with a healthcare professional who would perform certain tests to check out the current level of minerals in the body and suggest the essential vitamins accordingly.

Buying authentic PCT from a legit source online:

Buying authentic PCT from a legit source online

With a ton of online sellers claiming to be authentic, it can become a tough challenge to find a legit seller with a complete range of products. To make a stress-free purchase, it can be concluded that the UK steroids store is one of the most trusted sellers of steroids online. For any further information about PCT options on the basis of steroid usage, feel free to get additional information from the customer support team, which is comprised of experts who are available 24/7 to answer your queries.