Why Dianabol Steroids?
Dianabol is also known as Dbol and Methandrostenolone. Dianabol being an androgenic and anabolic steroid, is the first steroid that is powerful and is available in the form of tablet. Dianabol’s amazing results among the bodybuilders have classified it as a stronger yet beneficial steroid. The features that are much liked by the bodybuilders are that it first gives strength to the user and then builds the muscle mass. Bodybuilders don’t have to take injections but they just take tablets which is comparatively an easy intake.
It is also known to boost the fat burning process which eventually helps the user to build muscle mass more rapidly and also reduces the fatigue which sooner enhances athletic performances.
Despite having several benefits, Dianabol does have some side effects as well that include liver damage, fluid retention, cardiac issues and swelling in some parts of the body. However, the side effects mainly occur if the user is found taking overdose of Dianabol. If the dose is taken as prescribed or advised by the instructor, then there is very less chance of side effects occurring.
Why Is Dianabol Very Famous Among Bodybuilders?
Bodybuilders start taking steroids in the early days of their workouts because anabolic steroids have shown outstanding effects when it comes to building muscle mass and improving physical performances. Now, it has become a trend and bodybuilders think that without taking steroids, building muscle mass is difficult. The anabolic steroids like Dianabol work as accelerators as discussed above that they boost performance and reduce fatigue therefore provide better pace for building mass in a short span of time. However, there are numerous steroids available but the trust bodybuilders show towards Dianabol is not seen in others. The main reason might be that Dianabol is a better alternative to painful needles.
Dianabol Dosage
The Dianabol effects are amazing so far however, the dosage varies for beginners, intermediate and advanced users. Here, we will discuss the dosage for every user individually.
Dianabol Cycle dosage
The common dose for the beginners is 30-50 mg and the beginner’s cycle usually consists of 6-8 weeks. Since its half-life is short therefore, it is recommended to take the split Dianabol dosage before the gym session for the beginners as that time is considered to be the best for taking the dose.
Cutting Cycle Dosage
Dianabol is considered as the best steroid for the user during the cutting cycle as it increases the flow of blood and speeds up metabolism and above all it helps in burning fat. The user will certainly experience the amazing effects such as building lean muscle mass, increased energy levels, lowered muscular pain, increased testosterone level.
Dosage For Intermediate Or Advance Users
The experienced user may take the maximum dose of 70-80mg for 6 weeks. Intermediate or advanced users may stack Dianabol along with 3 to 4 similar anabolic steroids such as Testosterone, Trenbolone etc. both of these steroids complement the mass gaining effect of Dianabol whereas Testosterone increases the physical performance and metabolism of the body and reduces fat. Moreover, Trenbolone helps quick recovery and healing of joints.
Dianabol Cycle For Intermediate Or Advance Users
For the experienced users who seek to increase their growth or to maintain the current shape may take Dianabol 50 mg per day along with Testosterone Enanthate 100mg once in a week. The user may take Dianabol to 70-80mg per day but make sure not to exceed the dose more than 80 mg.
How To Take Dianabol During Post Cycle Therapy Or PCT?
Most experts recommend that users should stop taking Dianabol for 6- 10 weeks in between the cycles which is called Post Cycle Therapy. It is important as it keeps the liver healthy and maintains normal body steroid production. Post cycle therapy is carried out for 12 weeks for most users and for 16 weeks for the users who have taken the higher dosages.
It is a notable fact that increased dosages may increase the occurrences of side effects, especially stress on the liver.
Benefits Of Dbol (Dianabol)
Since Dianabol is extremely effective and famous among bodybuilders because of being beneficial for performance enhancement and building muscle mass. Some of Dbol benefits include:
- It is made of natural ingredients which eventually proves effectiveness.
- The steroid named Dianabol is made of organic components which are considered and are safe to be used.
- It contains effective vitamins and minerals which are useful for the body and help overcome several deficiencies.
- If the user stops taking Dianabol, they stay with the crafted body for a longer time.
- It is available easily throughout the world.
- The best part is that it does not allow the user to go through pain in case of taking injectable steroids however, it works in the same way and provides the user the best outcomes.